Generate it yourself Generate it yourself

Generate it yourself

Convert the best parts of nature into energy for your company

Get tailor-made advice

Solar energy

We provide full financing, installation, monitoring and maintenance of solar panels. Our experts do everything to relieve you of all your worries.

Read more about our solar panels

Wind energy

Wind is available everywhere, also on your company site. Do you have space for one or more wind turbines? Choose a sustainable future with the wind at your back.

Discover the possibilities

Combined heat and power (CHP)

Using this, you will generate both heat and energy in one process. That means you’ll be using the energy optimally. And with lower CO2 emissions as a result! Do you want to lower your impact on the environment?


Sale of Renewable Energy Certificates and Guarantees of Origin

Do you have Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) and Guarantees of Origin (GO) that you received for generating renewable energy? We will help you to sell these.

Contact our expert on the following number:

015 40 4130