6 arguments for electric driving

In 2016, some 4,500 electric cars were registered in Belgium: an increase of no less than 65% compared to 2015. It is not surprising that electric driving, especially at companies, is on the rise. In addition to the lower ecological footprint, there are at least 6 additional good reasons for switching to an electric vehicle fleet.


  1. Enjoy tax benefits

    The government stimulates electric fleets with interesting tax reductions for both employer and employee.
    In addition, in Flanders, electric cars and hybrids with CO2 emissions below 50g/km are exempted from the registration tax (BIV). Until 2020, the traffic tax is free. Brussels and Wallonia demand a minimum BIV of 61.5 euros and a traffic tax of 77.35 euros.

  2. Choose from a wide range

    Electric cars can already be found at different distributors, in different types and sizes. There are electric city cars, family cars, luxury cars and cars with cargo space. The price difference with petrol and diesel cars has become small enough and the distance per charge - which has reached 300 kilometers and more - big enough.
    The Hyundai IONIQ, which came on the market at the end of 2016, is the first car for which you can choose from three different powertrains: electric, hybrid or plug- in hybrid.

  3. Charge wherever and whenever you want

    A lot of people are worried about the charging time of an electric car, because it would take longer than a classic petrol re-fueling. However, since cars are not in use for more than 90% of the time (at night and during working hours), there is plenty of time to recharge them. This is also proven by the figures: on average, an electric car is charged for 85% at home, and 10 to 12% at work. Moreover, the charging speed has increased enormously in recent years. At a "Fast Charge point" a car charges fully in just one hour.

    Nowadays, several municipalities, service stations, companies, hotels and restaurants have electric charging points. And there will only be more to come. Together with car manufacturer Hyundai, Eneco is setting up a network of 85
    charging stations at all dealers in Belgium and Luxembourg. Charging can therefore be perfect while you work or sleep, and that in front of your door, along the road or at work. The mandatory visit to the gas station will soon be a thing of the past.

  4. Perfect to lease

    More and more leasing companies are expanding their offer with electric cars. From the installation of the charging stations (at work and at the employee's home) to the automatic settlement of the (home) charging costs to helping with the development of a car policy. That way, leasing companies take away both your administrative and practical tasks. Eneco already entered in partnership with LeasePlan, Athlon Car Lease, Belfius Lease, Alphabet and Hyundai Lease.

  5. Be in line with a more sustainable policy

    Sustainable mobility is a trending theme and will grow increasingly stronger in the coming years. For example, polluting vehicles pay 20 euros per day or 350 euros per year since February 2017 to gain access to the low-emission zone in Antwerp. Bruges, Ghent and Brussels are also reinforcing the standards to ban polluting cars from their city centers. Step by step, we evolve towards cities where only electric transport will be allowed, and you have better foreseeing modernizing your fleet today.

  6. Gain (green) credibility

    Last but not least, an electric vehicle fleet is an excellent way to strengthen your green image. This is the opportunity to gain credibility with your existing customers, employees and future partners. Cherry on the cake: your choice for 100% green and Belgian electricity, that Eneco guarantees to you at all its charging points. Will your company go for electric driving soon? We are happy to present you our charging solutions.